Recent Board Meeting Highlights
- KAS & Associates has been hired to handle upgrades and maintenance of the Ethan Commons HOA website.
- For residents considering home additions, installation of fencing, decks, or any other architectural alterations, plans must be submitted to our Architectural Review Committee for review and approval. Our Architectural Guidelines are now available on our website. If you do not have internet access, you can call the management company and a copy of the guidelines will be mailed to you. These master association requirements also affect condominium properties, even though condo owners must also submit their plans to their respective condo boards.
- The Ethans Green sign located in the island at the Route 91 and Glenwood intersection has deteriorated and will need to be replaced. However, due to pending City improvements at this intersection, the project will be delayed until all the facts are known regarding intersection changes. If a roundabout is built at the intersection, it will impact the shape and location of the island and affect the location of our entrance sign.
- Dates were set for the 2012 Annual Meeting and the Community Garage Sale.
- In 2011, we purchased four A-frame signs. You will notice them showing up at main entrances in the coming year. They will be used to remind residents about the dues deadline, the annual meeting, and the community garage sale.
- The problems caused by resident geese have been increasing over the past few years. This spring we will once again seek a permit from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to allow for addling of goose eggs. We will contact Gleneagles Golf Course officials in order to try to coordinate our efforts as we share several ponds and waterways with them.
Public Meeting on SR 91 (Darrow Rd.)
Roadway Improvements and Widening Project
The City of Twinsburg and GPD Group will conduct a presentation on the proposed SR 91 roadway improvement and widening project. The project proposes to improve SR 91 from 200’ south of Post Road to the northern corporation line at Solon by widening, improving drainage, upgrading existing traffic signals, constructing two roundabouts and constructing new sidewalks along both sides of the roadway.
2012 Annual Ethans Green Community Garage Sale
Friday & Saturday – June 15 & 16
Registration forms will be mailed out in March. As in the past, the association will handle obtaining a community garage sale permit, placing ads, and putting out signs at the main entrances. Penny Victor will be running this year’s garage sale. She can be contacted at or at 330-998-3335.
Message from the President
We will be updating and improving our community website in the near future. We welcome resident suggestions for ideas to make our website even better. Take a look at the website at and let us know what you think.
Over the last few years, we have been receiving an increasing amount of complaints from residents regarding geese in and around the Ethan’s Green ponds and waterways. Every year we seem to have more geese choosing to settle here (evidently they think Ethan’s Green is a great place to live, too!). These are resident geese and do not migrate with the seasons. Unfortunately, they are creating nuisance and health concerns for many homeowners. They cover yards with goose droppings, can become aggressive toward people, and are affecting the ability of residents being able to enjoy their yards and our common areas. We are seeking ways to mitigate our goose population, but we need your help. Please do not provide food for the geese, this only results in more geese being attracted to the area.
As always, our board is here to serve you, our fellow residents. Please feel free to contact any of our board members with your questions or concerns.
Geni Spera, President, Ethan Commons HOA
Friendly Reminders
- For safety reasons, there is no swimming, boating, wading, fishing or skating allowed in or on the ponds.
- Boats, RV’s, trailers, and commercial vehicles cannot be stored in driveways or yards of Ethans Green properties.
- No storage sheds or above ground pools are permitted
- Homeowners who do not submit their dues payments by March 1 will be assessed a $25.00 late fee.
- Be a responsible pet owner and good neighbor. When walking your dog, please remember to clean up any “deposits” from your neighbors lawns.
Sign-up to Receive our Emailed Newsletter
Several times a year the association sends out newsletters via email. If you would like to receive these newsletters, you can sign up on our website. Go to www. and send us a message from the “Contact Us” page, and we will add your address to our list of contacts. Your email address will be used only for the purposes of sending out association newsletters and special announcements. Copies of past newsletters will be available on the website.