In This Issue:
- Message from the President
- Sign-up to Receive our Emailed Newsletter
- Ethans Odds & Ends
- Around Town
- Friendly Reminders
Message from the President
This year’s Annual Community Garage Sale has been tentatively scheduled for June 14 & 15. Over the past six years, I have handled five of these community sales with the help of various board members. Last year’s sale was run by previous board member Penny Victor. This year, we are looking for volunteers for a garage sale committee to help with the sale. If you have been thinking of getting more involved with the community, this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. If we could get two or three people to help, it would make things much easier. If no volunteers are found, there will be no sale this year. Detailed guidelines are available and I will be on hand to provide help to the committee. If you are interested, please give me a call at 330-487-5776.
Our Annual Homeowners Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, at 7:00 pm at Dodge Intermediate School on Ravenna Road. Our annual election of officers will be held at this time. If you are interested in running for a position on the board, please contact property manager Steve Avner so your name can be added to the ballot. You will be given the opportunity to introduce yourself at the meeting. Mark your calendars and come out to meet your board members, get your questions answered, and get the latest information on what is happening in Ethans Green. All attendees will be entered into a drawing for door prizes.
As always, our board is here to serve you, our fellow residents. Please feel free to contact any of our board members with your questions or concerns.
Geni Spera, President, Ethan Commons HOA
Sign-up to Receive our Emailed Newsletter
Several times a year the association sends out newsletters via email and some special notifications (such as a reminder for the annual meeting). If you would like to receive these newsletters and notifications, you can sign up on our website. Go to www. and send us a message from the “Contact Us” page, and we will add your address to our list of contacts. Your email address will be used only for the purposes of sending out association newsletters and special announcements. Copies of past newsletters will be available on the website.
Ethans Odds & Ends
- DUES – There will be no increase in annual dues for 2013. The annual dues will remain at $99.
- GEESE – The Association has once again applied to ODNR for an application that will permit us to hire a company to locate and destroy nests and goose eggs within the common areas of Ethans Green. We will be contacting Gleneagles Golf Course officials in order to coordinate our efforts with them as we share some ponds and waterways with them. While this procedure helps to prevent new geese, we still have the problem with the many residential geese that have made Ethans Green their home. We hope that passage of the city ordinance prohibiting feeding of wildlife will also help encourage local geese to look elsewhere. The Board continues to look into additional methods to discourage congregation of geese along our ponds.
- MANAGEMENT – The Board renewed the management contract with R.N. Landis Management for an additional two year period.
- HOME IMPROVEMENTS – Are you planning any upgrades to your home or property this coming year? Please remember; installation of fencing, decks, patios, additions, or any similar architectural alterations require that plans be submitted to our Architectural Review Committee for review and approval. Our Architectural Guidelines are available on our website. If you do not have internet access, you can call the management company and a copy of the guidelines will be mailed to you. These master association requirements also affect condominium properties, even though condo owners must also submit their plans to their respective condo boards.
- LANDSCAPING – This past year, much needed improvements were made to the islands along Post Road at the entrances of Burton Drive, Champion Trail, and Alling Drive. These islands had not been updated for some time and contained overgrown plants and diseased trees. New hardier trees were installed along with grasses and flowering plants. Initial work to these islands had been done earlier in the summer, but due to the excessive heat many plants needed to be replaced in the fall.
- ENTRANCE SIGNS – Entrance signs at the Liberty Road roundabout and the Ethans Drive entrances were removed, repainted and reinstalled.
- WEBSITE – Our website is now being maintained by local Ethans’ resident Greg Bellan of KTC Digital, a website development service. We are now capable of tracking views of our website. For the last quarter of 2012 monthly views were: Oct. – 328, Nov. – 452, Dec. – 271. We were pleasantly surprised to see so much activity on our website.
- AUSTRIAN PINES & TIP BLIGHT – ***Condo Associations Please Take Note **** During the original landscaping of Ethans Green, many Austrian Pines were installed in our common area landscaping. There is currently a fungus, diploda pinea, which is affecting Austrian Pines and similar species throughout Ohio and surrounding states. The fungus first kills branches and, eventually, the entire tree and is difficult to control. Many trees within Ethans are showing signs of distress and this fungus should be suspected. These are the pines with long needles similar to white pines. The association has already had a number of infected trees removed and replaced.
Around Town
The Twinsburg Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance at 6:00 PM on Saturday, February 16, 2013 at Walden Country Club. For more information see
Friendly Reminders
- For safety reasons, there is no swimming, boating, wading, fishing or skating allowed in or on the ponds.
- Boats, RV’s, trailers, and commercial vehicles cannot be stored in driveways or yards of Ethans Green properties.
- No storage sheds or above ground pools are permitted
- Homeowners who have not submitted their dues payments by March 1 will be assessed a $25.00 late fee.
- Be a responsible pet owner and good neighbor. When walking your dog, please remember to clean up any “deposits” from your neighbors lawns.