In This Issue:
- Message from the President
- Community Garage Sale
- Annual Meeting Highlights
- Ethans Website
- Around Twinsburg
- Odds and Ends
Message from the President
On behalf of the Ethan’s Green Homeowner’s Association, I want to wish you a Happy Spring! Winter was certainly a hard fought battle. In an effort to maintain the aesthetics of our community, the board spent several hours on Saturday, May 3 touring the grounds of Ethan’s Green. The most notable changes that resulted from our walk-around would be to the islands at the entrances of Champion Trail, Burton Drive, and Alling Drive. This was mostly in the form of warranty work performed by Turfscape from the previous season’s new plantings. Under ‘normal’ winter conditions, this would not have even been an issue. In the coming weeks Turfscape will be mulching the remaining main entrances and common areas. The Board will continue to monitor the decline of the Austrian Pine Trees affected by diplodia tip blight and remove/replace where required.
The annual garage sale is scheduled for June 13 and 14. You can sign up by visiting or by calling Kim at 330-425-3685. Maps will be available in the parking lot at Glen eagles Golf Course.
As always, the Board is here to serve this community, please contact any of the board members with concerns you may have. Thank you for the opportunity.
Jay Magnes, President, Ethan Commons HOA
2014 Annual Ethans Green Community Garage Sale
Friday & Saturday – June 13 & 14 – 9AM to 4PM
Spring is here so it’s time to start thinking about the annual ETHANS GREEN COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE. Clean out your closets, basements and garages to turn yesterday’s treasures into cash. Registration forms are available on our website or send an email with your name, address, phone number, and the day(s) you will participate. The association will handle obtaining a permit, running advertisements, printing maps, and putting out signs at the main entrances. If you have any questions, or need to have a form mailed, please contact Kim Sevier at or 330-425-3685 or Geni Spera at, 330-487-5776.
Missed the Annual Meeting? Here’s the Highlights
Re-elected to serve another year on the board were Jason Magnes, Geni Spera, Mike DiCillo, Bill Furey, David Post, Scott Barr, and Jamey Appel.
Association finances were reviewed and discussed by Property Manager Steve Avner and Steven Patriok of Premier Accounting, Inc.
President Jay Magnes updated attendees on the status of landscaping issues within the common areas and plant problems associated with the extreme cold this past winter.
Board member Scott Barr discussed the procedures we are using, as recommended by ODNR, to control the goose population.
During the open forum, board members, and council members present, addressed miscellaneous questions from the floor regarding entrance signs, playground areas, concerns regarding use of salt on community roadways during this past winter, and concerns about traffic pattern changes with the proposed roundabouts.
The meeting closed with a drawing for door prizes donated by local merchants. We would like to extend a “thank you” for donations to the following Twinsburg businesses: Marco’s Pizza, Dairy Queen, Gionino’s Pizzeria, and Glenwillow Grille.
Remember to Check Out Our Website
As well as a source for association information, this is your community website. If you are a resident of our Ethan’s Community and have a home business or services to offer, you can place an ad on our website free of charge. Do you have teens looking for summer babysitting jobs or yard work – list their info on the website. Have you been thinking about starting a playgroup, book club, or similar group? Please check out our website and support your neighbors. Your feedback, comments, and suggestions on our website are welcome and appreciated. Go to and take a look.
Around Twinsburg
Relay for Life of Twinsburg / Nordonia – Friday, June 6, 6:00 PM until Saturday, June 7, 12 Noon. Located at Twinsburg Tiger Stadium.
Twinsburg Garden Club – Garden Tour, Saturday – June 28, 10AM to 4PM (Rain Date Sunday, June 29) Seven gardens throughout Twinsburg will be showcased. Check it out at . Pre-sale tickets will be available at Richner Hardware, the Twinsburg Community Center (behind the outdoor pool), and at the garden club booth at Taste of Twinsburg on June 21. Pre-sale tickets are $8. Day-of-event tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Stone House by Liberty Park.
Twinsburg Farmers’ Market – Once again Twinsburg’s Farmers’ Market will be open at Creekside Center (Gander Mountain parking lot). Check it out every Thursday from June 12 to September 25 from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Taste of Twinsburg – Saturday, June 21- from 2 to 8pm at Twinsburg Township Square at the intersection of Routes 91 and 82. They will have food, entertainment, a kids’ zone, booths of local businesses and organizations. See more at
Odds and Ends
Playgrounds within Ethans: There are two small community parks within the Ethan Commons area. One is located on Ethans Drive near Nathaniel, the other is accessible off of Burton Drive. These parks, playground equipment and gazebos are maintained by the City of Twinsburg.
Walking your dog? Be a responsible pet owner and a good neighbor. Remember to take along a plastic bag or scooper to clean up after your pet.
Branch Chipping – The next round of branch chipping will start on Monday, June 2. After the first Monday of each month, through October, city crews will make one complete pass through the city per month. Please be sure to have your branches out before the first Monday of the month to insure that they will not be missed. Please Note: Branches must not be larger than 10″ in diameter. Pile branches parallel to the roadway.
Branches can be also be bundled, tied, and put out next to your trash & recycling containers for Waste Management to remove on Tuesdays. Bundles should be no more than 4′ in length and not exceed 30-40lbs.
Planning any Home Improvement Projects? – The master association has an Architectural Review Committee that is responsible for reviewing and approving plans. Detailed information on submission requirements can be found on our website on the “Law and Minutes” page. These requirements also apply to condominium properties, even though they are also governed by condo boards.
Free Shredding – Summit/Akron Solid Waste Management Authority has changed its name to Reworks. Each year they offer free shredding events to Summit County residents. This year, our local shredding event will take place on Saturday, July 12 from 9:00AM until noon, at Macedonia City Hall at 9691 Valley View Road (enter on Valley View Road). For additional information go to
Road Construction in Ethans Green: Alling Drive, Wilson Lane, Tucker Court, Covington Lane: Full width asphalt grinding, asphalt pavement & concrete curb repair, storm basin repairs, miscellaneous other work and asphalt resurfacing. Work shall begin by mid-July and completed by mid-August.
Ethan Ponds – For safety reasons, there is NO swimming, boating, wading, or fishing allowed in any of the ponds located within the Ethans Green common areas.
Summertime reminder – Ethans bylaws prohibit storage of any boats, RV’s, trailers and commercial vehicles in driveways and yards.